Different question types gather different information. In this section, we'll introduce multiple choice, linear scale, likert scale, and other question types in our employee survey builder. By understanding the pros and cons of each question type, you'll be able to design an effective survey that captures the information you need

Multiple Choice

Multiple choice questions are a common type of survey question, where respondents are presented with a list of options and asked to select one or more. These questions are useful for quickly gathering information and are easy for respondents to understand. They are often used to measure attitudes, opinions, and knowledge.

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Short Answer

Short answer questions are open-ended questions that allow respondents to provide a brief, written response. They are useful for gathering detailed information and can be used to gather feedback on specific issues. They can be used to find out more about the respondents' opinion, experiences, and thoughts about the survey topic.

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Linear Scale

Linear scale questions are used to measure the intensity of a particular attitude or belief. They consist of a numeric scale from 1 to 10, and respondents are asked to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with a statement. These questions are useful for measuring opinions, attitudes and can give a quick understanding of the overall sentiment of the subject.

Linear scale question is also available as insights question, so they are part of the analytics when calculating scores.

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Likert Scale